Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee


   15 February 2022


Report of the Interim Assistant Director of Legal and Governance


Changes to Membership of Committees, Joint Committees administered by other Councils, Regional Local Authority Bodies and Other Bodies




1.           At the Annual Council meeting on 27 May 2021, appointments were made to Committees, Sub-Committees and Outside Bodies for the 2021/22 municipal year.  A ffurther change is now required to the membership of a Regional Local Authority body, as set out below.




2.           Further to the appointments to Committees etc. made at the Annual Meeting, Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee has authority to deal with any in-year changes or appointments to any Committees and Outside Bodies and the following change is put forward for consideration:


West Yorkshire Combined Authority – Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee


          To appoint Cllr Fitzpatrick as a substitute member.




3.           Normal processes to consult the relevant political Group have been applied to ensure the Group nominates the Members of their choice. No other consultation is specifically required in this instance.




4.          There are no alternative options available as this is simply to invite Members to formally approve the change set out in paragraph 2 above.




Council Plan


5.           Maintaining an appropriate decision making and scrutiny structure and appointees that contribute to the Council delivering its core priorities set out in the current Council Plan, effectively.




6.           There are no known implications in relation to the following in terms of dealing with the specific matter before Members:


·        Financial

·        Human Resources (HR)

·        Equalities

·        Crime and Disorder

·        Property

·        Other


Legal Implications


7.           The Council is statutorily obliged to make appointments to committees, advisory committees, Sub Committees and certain other prescribed bodies in accordance with the political balance rules.  These rules may only be waived where no Member votes against the proposal.  In this case, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority has authorised the appointment of a substitute from the same political group as City of York Council’s current member of its Corporate Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Melly.    


Risk Management


8.              In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy, there are no known risks associated with the recommendation in this report.




9.              Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee is asked to consider and approve the change to outside body appointments as outlined in paragraph 2.


 Reason:    In order to make appropriate Council appointments to representatives on Outside Bodies for the remainder of the current municipal year.


Contact Details


Dawn Steel

Head of Democratic Services

Tel: 01904 551030

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance

Tel: 01904 555385





Report Approved









Wards Affected:  




For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers: None


Annexes: None